Getting to this concert was a battle. We had won these tickets to Katy Perry at a school carnival and were immediately overwhelmed with the possibility of being in the same room as the California gurl. Even though we had to share the room with 13,000 other screaming fans; many shared in this excitement. However in a bout of "sisterly kindness" our chances were jeopardized. One Rebecca Looselips Marvin spread the heinous rumour of Katy Perry's role as QUEEN OF THE SLUTS! Our mother directly found out and took immediate action. The vehicle which we would kindly take to the concert was no longer available after this escapade. We had to somehow get the car or else this experience would never have happened. We took our mother to the mall to get a belt fixed but ended up forcing her to try on clothes, which she hates because her mother forced her to wear clothes she didn't like. During this frenzy of clothes and adult tantrums we slipped tiny hints to our mother about taking the car to the concert. After all, trying on clothes was worse for her than letting us take the car. She gave us a list of requirements promptly and we completed them dutifully. Two days later, we found ourselves in alien makeup being harassed by a drunken unicorn and his tolerant skank. While in line to a gum ball machine with the power to upgrade our seats we were budged in front of by this intoxicated duo claiming that they were always with us. We were won over by the unicorn's funny bone and extreme rine stones on this chick's beaded bikini bottom. Although we did not win upgrades, we did enjoy the concert. After taking our seats one of us was entertained by Janelle Monae and the other was floored. DJ Skeet Skeet was next on the Katy Train and he had the crowds jamming to his beats. We were stuck in the uncomfortable zone of seats because everyone was either below the age of 13 and obviously too cool to dance or above the age of thirty and not yet drunk enough. On the topic of alcohol, we were pleased to find that the delicious scent of cupcakes and cotton candy masked the smell of all the booze. Katy finally emerged from backstage and opened with Teenage Dream. She then continued for two hours with everything sweet and sassy. We were very glad to put all rumors to shame boasting of her inability to sing competently in concert. We're fans and hope to win tickets to her next concert!
'Til next time
Midas and Titus
'Til next time
Midas and Titus
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